Case Studies

We provide plant protection and plant nutrition products that help build healthy and sustainable food systems.

Disease Control in Downy Mildew of Grapes



Downy mildew is a worldwide disease that damages grapes. It affects the yield and quality of grapes severely and brings huge losses to plantations. It usually occurs during the rainy spring and summer, cause harm to the growth and development of grapes, seriously affecting the quality and yield of the fruit. The disease mainly damages the leaves and can harm inflorescences, flower buds, fruits, and new shoots, causing early leaf fall and premature aging, and affecting tree vigor and nutrient storage. According to statistics, the occurrence of downy mildew of susceptible grape varieties could be up to 80% in the absence of any preventive measures during monsoon season.

Bordeaux Mixture Key Benefits

Bordeaux mixture was the first fungicide to be developed and still is the most widely used copper fungicide throughout the world. It has been extensively used to control many fungal and bacterial diseases in vineyards, fruit trees, and in the cultivation of vegetables. Sunjoy Agro recommends using 86% Bordeaux mixture DF to control the pervasive downy mildew of grapes.

The production site uses refined copper ore as raw material, precisely controls impurities, and adopts the world's advanced dry suspension technology. As a result, the fungicide has an ultra-fine particle size of 1.67 microns, making it safer for crop protection and for tank mixture. Moreover, it can be fully dispersed to form a protective film on the surface of the plant, which makes it more resistant to rain. In addition, the product can fully cover the grape leaves and maintain the protective effect for a long time with its super adhesion technology.

Sunjoy recommends the use of 86% Bordeaux mixture DF at the beginning of the disease or before the monsoon season. Spray the fungicide with 400-500 times dilution and apply again after an interval of 12-15 days. For areas where the disease has already occurred, we suggest using systemic fungicide in addition to Bordeaux mixture for better results.  

Case Studies

Variety: Summer Black Grape

Disease: Downy mildew

Location: XZ Grape plantation, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province

Method: Spray 86% Bordeaux mixture DF with 500 times dilution on randomly picked infected leaves on indoor and outdoor grape vines. There was no wind or rain during and after the application. No other fungicides were used during the test period.

Result: The first application was on 7/13/2022 and the second application was on 7/25/2022. The mildew layer subsided after the first application, and disappeared after the second application.

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Disease Control in Downy Mildew of Grapes

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