Case Studies

We provide plant protection and plant nutrition products that help build healthy and sustainable food systems.

Disease Control in Citrus Canker



Citrus canker is caused by variants of the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis, which is commonly found in tropical and subtropical climates where citrus is typically grown. The disease causes lesions on citrus leaves, stems, and fruit, leaving water-soaked margins, and usually has a yellow halo surrounding the lesion.

In China, citrus is mainly grown in southern regions. The hot and humid weather is more favorable for disease prevalence. Citrus varieties, such as grape, orange, lime, and lemon are inherently more susceptible to canker. If pest insects such as leafminers are not effectively prevented in the early development stage, wounds can easily be infected by the bacterium, leading to canker outbreaks.

Key Benefits of Copper Hydroxide

For generations, growers have trusted copper fungicides for preventing and controlling citrus diseases. Copper Hydroxide is one of the most effective fungicides against citrus canker, by releasing copper ions to denature proteins and inactivate cells, resulting in death of bacteria. Sunjoy Agro recommends using 77% Copper Hydroxide DF to control pervasive citrus canker. The product has the following features:

1. Advanced formulation. DF formulation disintegrates quickly in water to create a more stable dispersion for a faster and safer result.

2. Ultra fineness. The product has a broader and more uniform coverage after foliar or aerial application due to the small particles.

3. Few impurities. The low content of heavy metals enhances the tank mixing ability, and reduces the potential threat of environmental pollution.

4. Organic certification. Copper fungicides are approved to use for organic farming in Europe and Japan.

Application Scenario

77% Copper Hydroxide DF is used for the control of canker and other bacterial diseases throughout the citrus growing season. The fungicide can significantly reduce the incidence and severity of the disease.

In citrus orchards with average management levels, the incidence of citrus canker is generally 2-5%. In 2020, Mr. Ou harvested 30,000 KG of citrus, of which 5,000 KG were canker-infected, which means that the incidence of canker disease was over 16%. The economic value of these canker fruits is low. Mr. Ou’s citrus orchard encountered a $3,000 loss due to severe canker disease. In 2021, he consulted Sunjoy Agro for technical guidance to prevent economic losses by the unpleasant citrus appearance. The technicians recommended applying 77% Copper Hydroxide DF with other fungicides five times at intervals of 10~15 days. At the end of June 2021, the total incidence rate of citrus canker was less than 1%. Almost no canker fruit was found in Mr. Ou’s orchard.

Similarly, Mr. Wang didn’t pay much attention to canker prevention in the early stage. As a result, the conventional fungicide did not work due to continuous drizzle in Guangxi province. Mr. Wang was anxious about the increasing number of infected leaves. The local plant protection station recommended the use of 77% Copper Hydroxide DF to prevent the spread of lesions onto new shoots and fruits. Mr. Wang strictly followed the guidance and applied the fungicide twice, and successfully stopped the worsening situation. As a result, the actual yield of marketable citrus fruits was not affected.

Sunjoy Recommendations

The best way to prevent citrus canker is to apply the right fungicide at the right time. Sunjoy recommends the following plant protection solution for different situations. However, always consult the product label and expert for detailed instructions and precautions.


1.1Canker prevention or during the early stage

77% Copper Hydroxide DF;

325g/L Difenoconazole+Azoxystrobin SC;

48% Pyraclostrobin+Tebuconazole SC;

10% Lufenuron SC

Apply twice, with intervals of 12~15 days


1.2Canker occurrence along with a few mites or leafminers

77% Copper Hydroxide DF;

325g/L Difenoconazole+Azoxystrobin SC;

10% Abamectin SC;

10% Lufenuron SC;

Apply 3 times, with intervals of 7~15 days


1.3Canker outbreak along with mites or scab

77% Copper Hydroxide DF;

48% Pyraclostrobin+Tebuconazole SC;

Limonene Oil


Apply 3 times, with intervals of 7~15 days

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